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  One of the best ways to keep up with me is on my official Facebook page. There I announce news, upcoming events, and media coverage about my book. For instance, the Dallas Morning News published a feature today (December […]

Press Release

Media Contact Name: Melanie Saxton Title: Media Director, LLC Phone: 281-795-6420 Email:   Pettis Norman, Former Dallas Cowboy and Business Leader, Announces the Launch of his Autobiography A journey of 82 years spans adventures on and off the […]

How to Order My Paperback or E-Book

  If you want to read a great book that merges professional football, adventures in business, servant leadership, and friendships with U.S. Presidents (and presidential contenders), you won’t want to miss my autobiography. There’s some humor too — just look […]

Thankful for…

Well, we just waived goodbye to November and hello to December! I had a bit of fun last November (No Shave November) growing a beard while wondering when my book would be ready for publication. One year later, and voila! […]

Turning the Pages

I had quite big NFL career and wrote a big book to match it! Whether I suited up for the field or suited up for a business meeting, I always felt compelled to put my best foot forward. I hope […]

Published at Last!

I’ve worn many hats over the years — Dallas Cowboy, San Diego Charger, businessman, servant leader — and now I can add author to the list! I hope you enjoy The Pettis Norman Story: A Journey through the Cotton Fields, […]